How to use command prompt in ansys apdl

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post1 ! Enters database results postprocessor ! It is alos adviced to stick to one, making your code better looking.

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! It therefore does not matter, but care, it may cause trouble when working with variables ! APDL does does not differentiate between letter cases (lower or upper, 'A' or 'a') ! Notice that from now on we write only lower case letters

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NSEL,S,LOC,X,0 ! Select all nodes at x = 0ĭ,ALL,UX,0,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY,ROTZ ! Apply boundary conditions to nodes selected SF,ALL,PRES,P ! Apply pressure load to nodes selected NSEL,S,LOC,X,L ! Select all nodes at x = L SECNUM,1 ! Set element section attribute pointerĬMSEL,S,PLATE,AREA ! Select component named plate (of type area) SECOFFSET,MID ! Define section offset for cross section SECTYPE,1,SHELL,PLATE ! Associates section type information with a section ID number. MPDATA,EX,1,0.69e11 ! Young's modulus ĮT,1,SHELL181 ! Shell element, both bending and membrane stressesĬM,PLATE,AREA ! Group geometry into component

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! Defining the material data (here aluminium) P=-50e6*t ! Load, we will use as a pressure load (positive - compression, negative - tension)Ī,1,2,3,4 ! Making an area from our nodes (notice the order)ĬYL4,Length2hole,0,Diameter/2, ! Make cylinderĪSBA,1,2 ! Remove area 2 (cylinder) from area 1 (plate)

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